Monday, April 18, 2011


I had occasion to meet with Tim Kern, who is one of the founders of a new online event organization system called Wawadoo. Their offices are on the South Side, and the concept of Wawadoo seems very innovative. Here's a summary:

Pittsburgh is a great city with lots of events to keep you entertained. Sometimes, however, they might be difficult to find. It seems a Pittsburgh website is getting a handle on this. It promises to be a great way to find something fun to do on a Friday night, Saturday morning, or Sunday afternoon.

Wawadoo recommends events to you based on your interests. The service does this through a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” voting system: you view a number of things to do and indicate whether they sound interesting. Then, the website gives you recommendations that are more accurate every time you vote. Food, music, activities: any special event at a location. This means you’ll be able to skip the reading and get straight to the Jazz lounge you wanted.

Wawadoo is accepting the first users. Visit the website at, enter your email address, and they will send you an invitation once it opens.

You also may want to check Wawadoo out at its Facebook page.

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